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Image of  Vessel raised and enameled
Image of Vessel, formed, chased and enameled with wire-wrapped base
Image of Vessel, formed, chased and enameled, Candleholder
Image of chased and enameled dish with forged steel handle
Image of Plique-a-jour dragon

Vessel, raised and enameled, M. Diaz, Vessel, formed, chased and enameled with wire-wrapped base, D. Edwards, Vessel, formed, chased and enameled, Candleholder, formed, chased and enameled dish with forged steel handle, A. Culbertson, Plique-a-jour dragon, L. Pettit

Image of Hat, formed, chased and enameled
Image of Leaf, formed, chased and enameled
Image of Lunar Vessel, formed, and enameled

Hat, formed, chased and enameled, M. Wang, Leaf, formed, chased and enameled, C. Mao, Lunar Vessel, formed, and enameled, B. Berk

Image of Vessel, raised, chased and enameled
Image of Vessel, raised and enameled
Image of Koi Splash Vessel, raised, chased and enameled
Image of Vessel, chased and enameled

Vessel, raised, chased and enameled, R. Reed, Vessel, raised and enameled, A. Turner, Koi Splash Vessel, raised, chased and enameled, A. Jin, Vessel, chased and enameled, A. Alshareef

Image of Wave bowl, chased, raised and enameled
Image of Separation enameled pendant and bracelet set
Image of raised and enameled
Image of MechE Bowl, chased, raised and enameled

Wave bowl, chased, raised and enameled, D. Herman, Separation enameled pendant and bracelet set, J. Wong, Vessel, raised and enameled, I. Lutz, MechE Bowl, chased, raised and enameled, J. Tran


Image of Dandelion Pendant
Image of Coffee cup
Image of Koi
Image of Cherry Blossoms 

Dandelion Pendant (champlevé) N. Huynh, Coffee cup, chased, raised and enameled, K. Fredeen, Koi, M. Yue,  Cherry Blossoms (champlevé) N. Huynh,

Image of Chased Maple Leaf
Image of Face Plaque with cloisonné
Image of Daffodil
Image of Orca Pendant with handmade chain
Image of Copper Oxide Plaque

Chased Maple Leaf, M. Yue, Face Plaque with cloisonné, C. Zhong,  Daffodil, M. Yue, Orca Pendant with handmade chain, R. Learsch, Copper Oxide Plaque, D. Yuryev

Image of Maroon Bells
Image of Pendant
Image of Keyring
Image of Tiger

Maroon Bells (champlevé), M. Christiansen, Pendant, M. Plaut, Keyring, K. Li, Tiger, M.Yue

Image of Seperation Enamel Pendant
Image of Switchplate with cloisonné
Image of Pendant
Image of  Switchplate with cloisonné
Image of Switchplate with cloisonné

Seperation Enamel Pendant A. Tang, Switchplate with cloisonné K. Toy, Pendant J. Kim, Switchplate with cloisonné D. Yuryev, Switchplate with cloisonné D. Chen